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 Selling NJ SRECs Our new, old model

In 2001 our founder and owner started one of the first solar installation companies in NJ.  At that time there were no SRECs;  instead, there was a well funded, but often convoluted, solar rebate program.  By necessity, one of our company's core competencies became helping customers navigate their way through these complex rebate programs.


Then in 2005 the NJ Board of Public Utilities revolutionized the NJ solar market by beginning what we now know as NJ's SREC trading program.  This new SREC program was innovative and the tracking mechanisms and pricing triggers where put into place quickly, but the connection between SRECs buyers and sellers needed time to develop.


   Suddenly, our installation company was faced with hundreds of customers asking us what to do with their SRECs.  Wanting to help these stranded system owners, our company decided to step in and fill the void by aggregating and selling SRECs.   Our expectation was that selling SRECs would become just another service that we provided to customers who's systems we installed.


Now, over a decade later,  AEPower Brokers, LLC, is its own company focused on selling SRECs.  Now, in addition to selling SRECs for the vast majority of our partner installation company's customers, we also sell SRECs for various systems all over NJ.


Our customer service model will never change... real people helping real people trade NJ SRECs simply and fairly.

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